Tuesday 18 November 2014

Work at the Blazing Blacksmith's...

So, as promised here are some photographs of commissions that I've helped my boss with since starting work at the Blazing Blacksmith.

One of the first things I worked on was making a set of chair frames and to be honest they weren't very easy to re-create. One of the challenges of trying to replicate the chair frame was that the original wasn't symmetrical, so it was a case of trying to even out the measurements to get something that looked almost exactly like the original...

I think the next project I worked on was restoring a gate for a flat in Edinburgh which was nice, but involved replacing whole sections of the frame because the original had corroded quite a bit.

After that I made some sign holders...

Then I made some massive tree guards...for guarding yew trees from hungry deer. This involved me practicing slot punching on a lot of flat bar and it took up quite a lot of space...mostly because I had the bars in different piles depending on what stage they were at. I like to call it organization, but I suppose they may have made it quite hard to reach half of the workshop...

Then welding everything together took up even more space...it also looked like I was welding very large bird cages...

And finally the finished tree guards on the trailer ready to go.

That brings us up to July, although I should point out that there's a lot of small things I was working on (components for gates etc.) that I haven't photographed because I'm supposed to be working while at work, not taking pictures...

I'll add more in the next post and hopefully catch up to the current work, but for now I'm away to make a cup of tea.

Take care

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